Don’t Love Enough!


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If you’ve followed Church Militant or the Vortex for any length of time, you’ll know that we have said often that it is obvious many members of the hierarchy, as well as their pet clergy, have no supernatural faith. Faith is the supernatural virtue that instills and upholds supernatural hope, which leads to the supernatural virtue of charity.

All are infused at the moment of baptism, but each — or all — may be lost. When a person loses supernatural faith, it’s lights out. If you don’t believe, you won’t have hope, and without hope, you will not act out of an abundance of supernatural charity.

This is why St. Paul points to these three supernatural virtues as being key: “In the end, three things abideth — faith, hope and charity. And the greatest of these is charity.”

It is possible, at least to a degree, to perceive people’s degree of faith by looking at their degree of charity. In short, how much do they love? How much are their actions inspired by love of God and neighbor? If you aren’t seeing that because it doesn’t appear to be present, then there is a problem at the root of their faith — their supernatural faith.

It is possible, at least to a degree, to perceive people’s degree of faith by looking at their degree of charity.

These three virtues are called the theological virtues because they have God Himself as their end. An atheist has natural faith as well as natural hope and even, at times, natural charity. When he goes to bed at night, he has faith he will wake up in the morning. When he starts his car, he has hope the engine will turn over and he can drive to work. When he arrives at work, he might even have a kind word for a fellow worker, acting charitably toward him.

But none of that is supernatural because none of those actions has God as their end. So as the old philosophical adage goes, you can tell someone by his actions, and a lack of supernatural charitable acts can betoken a lack of supernatural faith. An abundance of uncharitable actions is practical proof of no supernatural faith or a very weak supernatural faith.

So using this template, let’s turn to the U.S. hierarchy. It is abundantly clear that various members of the hierarchy possess either no or insufficient supernatural faith simply by noting their lack of charity. Many members of the hierarchy have lied openly to the faithful and continue to do so. They deceive about an enormous variety of matters, many about the actual Faith and others about material management of the Church.

They lie to or deceive victims of abuse. They deceive or refuse to be transparent about things the laity has a right to know. They abuse their own clergy by falsely accusing them of heinous deeds or shipping them off to the clerical nuthouse so they can start a “paper trail” on them that follows them to the grave.

These are not men of God. They have His authority by virtue of their ordination and consecrations, but they abuse that authority entrusted to them. And when we move to the all-important issue of sacrilegious Holy Communion — notorious sinners being scandalously given Holy Communion — there is simply no way that a deacon, priest or bishop who approves of this can possibly possess the necessary supernatural faith that Jesus Christ is really, wholly and substantially present — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — under the appearance of bread and wine.

As for the weakling bishops who do believe, the sad fact is that they don’t love Our Lord enough. Faith is directly related to charity (love). The more you believe, the more you should love God. Likewise, the less you love God, the less you believe. It’s simply nonsensical to think that a bishop who is flippant and unconcerned about giving sacrilegious Holy Communion to notoriously pro-abortion Catholic politicians still believes that Holy Communion is Jesus Christ. It’s just not possible. They would be in fear for the soul of the politician, in fear of their own damnation and they would pay very close attention to the warning of St. Paul.

Instead, they pervert and twist canon law and deflect from the truth, and, when it comes to Our Lord’s actual presence, deflecting from the truth means you don’t believe. There is no other reasonable conclusion.

And for those who do believe, at least to some degree (yet go along with this and do not condemn this outrage), their belief, such as it is, produces an insufficient charity toward God. They stay silent or murmur a little bit as Our Lord is desecrated by being placed into the hands of public, obstinate sinners, endangering their souls and presenting huge scandal to the faithful, weakening their faith.

The more you believe, the more you should love God. Likewise, the less you love God, the less you believe.

Does the unbelieving crowd think they will escape damnation? Does the insufficiently loving crowd think they will be immune from divine judgment?

The bishops who have created and continue this atmosphere of sacrilege, in whatever way each does, will have to answer to Our Lord when they meet Him at their judgments. It is monstrous that this has been allowed to proceed to this point. And now, with what looks like the Vatican stepping in and letting the bishops off the hook, the circle of guilt has widened.

Theological perverts, doctrinal heretics and dissidents support this (or are too cowardly to condemn it and simply face whatever the consequences are from speaking out). Writing nice documents that ask for or promote dialogue has accomplished nothing. This evil — and that is precisely what it is — has gone on for decades.

We will repeat what we have said for years here: It is clear that many members of the hierarchy have no supernatural faith or don’t love God enough to care for your souls, or, in the end, even their own. No wonder saints and Fathers of the Church have said a large number of bishops will be damned.


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