100 Days of Biden


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The presidency of lousy-Catholic Joe Biden is already the most anti-Catholic administration in American history — and the U.S. bishops refuse to do anything about it.

Biden’s joint address

At Biden’s joint address to both houses of Congress on Wednesday, he spoke for an hour, proclaiming how the first 100 days of his presidency have been successful.

He was right. He has been successful at making the murder of innocent children easier than ever. He’s been successful at promoting same-sex attracted and gender-confused folk to the status of a “protected class,” even though they make up a minuscule fraction of the U.S. population. He’s also been successful at demonizing not only White people but the entire history of the United States.

Besides that, Biden’s actively working to make sure people are less able to protect themselves and their families while applauding and promoting the dismantling of the police force, the right to bear arms and border security. And he’s doing all this while violent crime is skyrocketing across the country.

The sad thing is that when he wasn’t actually hiding in the safety of his basement, Biden actually campaigned for all these destructive policies and has been upfront about supporting them from the beginning.

Most of the U.S. Catholic bishops are worse than worthless when it comes to defending Christ’s bride, the Church, and Her spiritual children. It’s most evident in the bishops’ reaction to Biden’s election.

With over 50 years of either complete silence or open doctrinal insurrection against the Church, most of the U.S. bishops are now scrambling to deal with the problem of fake-Catholic president Joe Biden.

On the date of Biden’s inauguration, the head of the U.S. bishops, Los Angeles archbishop Cdl. José Gómez, released a statement: “Our new president has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage and gender.”

Gómez added, almost ironically, “As pastors, the nation’s bishops are given the duty of proclaiming the gospel in all its truth and power, in season and out of season, even when that teaching is inconvenient or when the gospel’s truths run contrary to the directions of the wider society and culture.”

Cdl. José Gómez

But they seem to have little interest in the truth unless there’s a dollar value attached to it or there’s a chance it might affect their exalted self-image.

Now, during their spring meeting, the U.S. bishops will craft a letter requesting Joe Biden refrain from receiving Holy Communion at Mass.

Many of these same bishops, however, will summon all the fist-pounding and chest-puffing Apostolic authority they can muster to persecute priests who dare to preach all the truths of the Church.

Yet, Joe Biden can preside over two so-called gay weddings and advocate for making infanticide the law of the land, and still bishops will tiptoe around him, claiming they don’t want to politicize the Communion rail.

There will be no excommunications for politicians who claim to be Catholic while openly spurning Church doctrine — even when they promote these same evils with the fervor of 17th-century Jesuit missionaries.

The surfer priest, Fr. Donald Calloway, remarked in a recent interview that priests and bishops commit spiritual contraception when they purposely withhold the fullness of the Church’s teaching from souls. They interrupt and frustrate their spousal relationship with the Church by spiritual onanism, casting the seeds of truth to the ground where it bears no real fruit.

Bishops will tiptoe around him, claiming they don’t want to politicize the Communion rail.

No fruit is born but a chasm to Hell is opened, into which both deceiver and deceived shall fall.

Learn more by watching The Download — 100 Days of Biden.

— Campaign 27425 —

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