Catholic Media Mess


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The publishing industry was designed to publicize content for both the common man and intellectuals as resources toward discovering and promoting authentic truth. The Catholic Church was among the first publishing groups in human history — with the Vatican library formally dating back to 1475.

But publishers aren’t the same today as they were back then. Now, even Catholic publishing groups seem to be capitulating to “cancel culture,” the latest victim being David Gordon and his upcoming book on feminism. Gordon recently published an op-ed calling out Sophia Press for abruptly rescinding his book deal after roughly a year of work on it.

Gordon explained, “Sophia Press has chosen to self-censor, fearing backlash from progressives, moderates and eggshell-psyche ‘normies’ for simply daring to publish my forthcoming book, a book detailing, with great clarity, Church teaching on the subject that is the sacred cow of cultural revolutionaries: feminism.”

The Catholic author makes a compelling point — where are the men? By what virtue does a Catholic publisher get off tone-policing its authors? Dare the faithful speak boldly in the post-Church-of-Nice world? The only thing that should matter to them is if he’s correct or not, and he is.

Feminism has, and still is, bringing hell upon the American family, and families across the Western world. It led the charge for the contraception movement and the abortion movement. To say otherwise is dishonest. And no, it doesn’t matter if there were strong intellectual Catholic women like Mother Angelica and Alice Von Hildebrand. These women are great because they’re Catholic, not because they’re so-called feminists.

All you have to do is look at a map to see how feminism has infected the Western woman’s psyche. If only women voted in 2021, Joe Biden would have also won Florida, Iowa, Ohio and even Texas. Feminists tend to shy away from patriarchal hierarchy and order, despite dominance hierarchies being completely natural in human beings. Perverting the natural order is explicitly contrary to Church teaching.

The book will be released, and the apostolate will not let masculine voices like David Gordon’s be silenced by an estrogen-powered cancel mob.

It isn’t unreasonable to imagine Sophia Press knows this, too. The issue appears to be fear, specifically of backlash from these rabid activists, just as Gordon says. If this analysis is incorrect, Sophia is free to issue a statement or contact Church Militant for clarification and comment.

Christine Niles, in the meantime, is stepping up to review and publish Gordon’s manuscript on behalf of Church Militant’s own St. Michael’s Media Publishing. The book will be released, and the apostolate will not let masculine voices, like David Gordon’s, be silenced by an estrogen-powered cancel mob.

To learn more, watch today’s episode of The Download — Catholic Media Mess.

— Campaign 27425 —

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